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Katherine escape from the tomb
Elena And Stefan Find Out Katherine Is Out Of The Tomb - The Vampire Diaries 2x16 Scene
Stefan Gets Out Of The Tomb, Elijah Compels Katherine - The Vampire Diaries 2x11 Scene
TVD 2X04 Katherine tells Stefan why she wasn't in the tomb Flash back 1864
Katherine Lets Elena Escape - The Vampire Diaries 4x21 Scene
TVD 5X02 Katherine tries to escape when they stop at a gas station
The Vampire Diaries 3x05 - Katherine & Jeremy open Michael's tomb
Damon Visits Katherine In The Tomb
Stefan is stuck in the tomb with Katherine we have to get him out| The vampire diaries Season 2 E11
Klaus Finds Out Katherine Has Escaped (Flashback) - The Vampire Diaries 2x19 Scene
TVD 2x10 - Damon takes Elena home, Stefan is trapped in the tomb with Katherine | Delena Scenes HD
TVD 2x9 - Elena goes to Visit Katherine at the Tomb